Pay-as-you-goPM & Marketing

SPT Business acts as a member of your Sales and/or Marketing department. Like a modular, executive team-member that you can bring in, add onto and take away as necessary to help with your projects and clients.
To let us know your challenges and arrange an appointment to see how we can help, click on the click here button!
Click here!

We can help if you are facing these challenges:

  • Managing your operations in France
  • Finding the right employee on time and need a stop-gap
  • Committing to hiring permanent full-time staff
  • Fluctuating Workloads
  • Focussing on your core business due to sales and marketing activities
  • European languages in your sales & marketing environment

We can help if you are having trouble with…

We can help if you are having trouble with…

We keep our pricing models simple.

As a guide, you can budget for €75/£65 per hour or €600/ £525 per day.This does of course depend on exact requirements.
There are also Commission-only and Commission-Retainer Sales options for some businesses and industries but we can only assess and price these on a case-by-case basis.

Language services

We offer the below services in these languages:








Did you know…?
We speak, on average, at a rate of
150 to 190 words per minute

Budget: €0.15 to €0.30 / £0.13 to £0.26 per word


Did you know…?
Interpreters deliver translations orally
Translators deliver them in writing

Budget:  €75 to €100 / £65 to £90 per hour



Did you know…?
Localisation is where translations
are adapted to local markets

Budget: €0.15 to €0.75 / £0.13 to £0.65 per word


Did you know….?
Misspell is often misspelled as mispell
“Publicly” is the most commonly misspelled word

Budget for: €0.06 / £0.05 per word

Some of these are in-house, some through our freelancers and network.

We also manage projects through - or pass projects to – our partners so do please contact us for many other languages.
