1 year into an initially Bose-led FNAC Darty retail concept project, Outform’s UK & Netherlands offices were facing geographical, language and local market knowledge challenges to move the project past the design phase and to ensure competitors could not provide a better pitch. They enlisted the help of SPT Business to:
- Help design, develop (technical and conceptual), pitch, win and deliver a large (11 – 14m) interactive retail audio display project in France: 81 FNAC and Darty stores, with 1 FNAC store in Switzerland;
- Manage complex and often conflicting multi-client objectives and regular, required changes to client brief
The Clients
Direct: Outform UK & BV., the EMEA & EU HQs of a global retail innovation agency (Outform Inc), but with limited presence in mainland Europe until its takeover of Alrec BV in October 2022, and, as of the time of writing, with no direct presence in France.
Indirect: Groupe Fnac Darty, French multichannel distributor and the country’s largest consumer electronics retailer – and 3rd largest in Europe
Bose Corporation, Multinational audio equipment manufacturer
Approximately 15-20 other major brands in the audio sector

The solution:
- Provide in-country expertise and support: Bilingual (FR & EN) account and project management
- Help manage production and pricing in Eastern Europe
- Find and manage local logistics partner
- Stay neutral and diplomatic at all times
The result:
- Pitch Successful
- 2 Pilot Store Displays Delivered (1x FNAC, 1x Darty)
- 2 ‘First of Production’ FNAC Stores Delivered (with significant changes)
- Phase 1 (18 FNAC stores) Manufacture and installation Q1 2023
- Phase 2 (30 FNAC stores) Manufacture and Installation Q2 2023
- Phase 3 (31 Darty stores) Manufacture and installation Q2/Q3 2023